Friday, October 16, 2009


I finished my full first week of work! Well, I'm going to help the mom out a few hours tomorrow morning, but I am done with my usual schedule for the first week! I had such a great few days with the kids, and Harvey (the 3 yr old) and I have really been getting close. Last night at dinner he made me hold his hand during the whole meal & as the parents were putting him to bed he came running down the stairs yelling my name and wanting me to put him to sleep...yikes! He is so cute though. Today I drove the kids by MYSELF to their vacation care! I drove them around town 3 times today, and the first time I was a little nervous, but by the third time I felt very comfortable on the road. Wooohoo! I'm finally feeling pretty familiar with the neighborhood and can easily walk the kids to the local parks and not get lost :) I still have yet to meet some friends, but I'm going to try to go to church on Sunday and also join a volleyball league, so that should help! The weather is supposed to warm up in the next few days, which is perfect because then I can finally enjoy the beach on my days off! Can't wait!! 

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