Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First official day of work!

I just finished my first official full day of nannying! I must say I'm pretty pooped-but had a really fun day with all the kids. I couldn't sleep last night because I was paranoid I would oversleep, so I got up around 5 or so and officially had to be nannying by 6:30. After breakfast I drove the two older kids to their vacation care, then came back and took Harvey (the littlest one) to "Jacka Park." Then we went on a long walk and walked by the beach for a bit, then came home, had lunch, and thankfully he took a nap! While Harvey was sleeping I managed to have some lunch & did some folding and laundry for the mom. Once he woke up we played games, had snack, jumped on the trampoline, and I would pitch to him and he would practice his hitting...he loved it and we both kept cracking up the whole time! After we played for awhile the mom went to pick-up Oscar and Mia from vacation care and so we all played outside for a long time (they have a swing set, trampoline, sandbox, and a little bar area they can play on). Then it was dinner time then got them all in the bath and off to bed! It was a very long day and I definitely had a few cups of tea to keep me going! I had the best time though and really can feel myself bonding well with these kids--I will post pictures on my next posting...I'm too tired to upload them now hah. I should get to bed soon...I have to get up in a few hours and do it all over again :) this type of life definitely gives me a good idea of what it will be like to be a mom...very exhausting but definitely worth it!! Hope I have another fun filled day tomorrow!

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