Thursday, October 22, 2009

I can't wait! (to be a mom)

Okay so I know this is going to sound a little weird, but I love these kids. Today was such a hectic, crazy day, and the kids were rude at times, but I somehow survived the day and still was able to joke around and have some fun with them! We are able to laugh off most of the craziness together which is just what I need! Anyways, this morning the mom had to go to a conference all day, so I was officially on my own all day. I walked the kids to school, then took Harvey to the park and the beach, then home for nap, then picked up kids from school, then took them home and got them ready for their swim class, then took them to swim class (although Harvey didn't have swimming today so I just held on to him for dear life as he attempted to squirm out of my arms and jump in the pool with his clothes on). Then we came home, I attempted to make dinner but definitely spilled the pasta all in the sink, while burning my hand, and spilling the pasta sauce :) whoops! Then of course, when I felt like I had screwed dinner up and couldn't do anything right, Harvey pooped in his underwear.... haha that was surprisingly my saving grace because I just started laughing really hard and it was contagious to the other kids and we were all laughing at Harvey's disgusting watery poop...haha I'm actually laughing right now just thinking that poop saved my day! Who would've thought? Somehow I cleaned it all up, then got the kids showered and into jammies, teeth brushed, cleaned the house, and snuggled up with them on the couch and read them a book. I did it (I can't believe it!!) Oh and when I was giving Harvey a bath, I walk into Oscar's room to find both Oscar and Mia dancing intensely with the lights off, disco ball and disco light on, and disco music blasted on the radio...I have it on video and it was probably the funniest thing I've seen in a long time(then of course, Harvey wanted to join in so he was dancing around naked since he just had a bath) These kids are definitely meant to be with me...I joined right in with the dancing :) Oh and last night I went to a church night and met some really nice girls and one of them lives right down the street from me so she gave me a ride home! I'm so excited I have more than one friend now here! haha. Okay I just made some tea and I'm gonna curl up in bed and watch a movie. Oh and it's not even 8 pm yet....I definitely feel like a mom haha. 

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