Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sydney's Wildlife World

So yesterday was cold and rainy, so Shayli and I decided to head to the Taronga Zoo. Our day started out a bit rocky...we caught the ferry into the city and the boat literally felt like it was going to tip over and waves were crashing over the boat...then when we finally made it to the city we tried to catch the next ferry to the zoo, but the lady who I was trying to buy a ticket from said that we need at least 4 hours at the zoo and since it was already 1 o'clock & the zoo closed at 5, we we wouldn't have enough time (however, I talked with several people before I left and they said 2 hours is plenty at the zoo). Oh well! Luckily I knew that Sydney's wildlife world was another option to go to...so we walked there and they had a deal where you could buy two park passes for a cheaper price, so we bought a ticket to the wildlife world & to the aquarium! Wildlife world was SO much fun, and we had the best time taking pictures of the crazy animals and we even got to take pictures with Koalas!! They were the CUTEST Things...definitely my favorite animal now. They sleep with their head tucked in their arms because when it rains, the rain won't get in their face...they were so stinkin cute! Anyways, I also saw kangaroos and we even saw two kangaroos fight or box or whatever they do haha. After that we got a little lost on our way back to the ferry, but we eventually made it and got some dinner and gelato :)
      Oh man, but Sunday was the best day/night I've had. Shayli and I went to the live taping of the "Australian Idol Finale" show (like our "american idol") and it was taped at the Opera House! So we caught the ferry, had dinner at the opera house cafe, and watched the show from the outside and it was sooo amazing!! Michael Buble and Mika even performed! Anyways, there were several fireworks shows on the water and it felt like it was new years!! After the show, we caught the ferry back and decided to chill out at the Wharf Bar in Manly and talk...it was pretty funny because a guy dropped his glass and it shattered right under me and of course I screamed and yelled really loud. When one of the guys that worked there came to clean it up he tapped me asking, "Did you squeal?" I confidently responded, "Yep that was me!'' haha wow. Anyways, it was such a funny night and after we were sitting by ourselves for awhile, a group of guys came over to our table one by one and started talking to us...they were all pretty funny and were being ridiculous, so it was an entertaining night! Anyways, today was rainy again so I just ran some errands and went to the mall....tonight Shayli and I are gonna go to the movies...it's cheap night tuesday (movies are usually $17 but tonight it's "only" $10)...Then tomorrow I start nannying again! Haha I just went to the kitchen & Harvey (the 3 yr old)  told me "My love you Caitlyn!" (he says "my" whenever he refers to himself haha). Gotta love those little ones!

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