Friday, November 13, 2009

Spit to Manly Walk

It's friday!! I'm so thankful for that-I've had an amazing week but I'm definitely ready for some r&r. Anyways, let me update you on what's been exciting in my life this Monday was a laid back day--I did the usual walk down to Manly and walked around, laid on the beach, did some reading, and of course, some people watching. Right when I was getting ready to head back home, Lee called me...let me remind you that Lee was my surf instructor, who I thought I totally embarrassed myself in front of, but apparently I didn't! Anyways, he invited me to go out with him and his friends last weekend but since I babysat all weekend pretty much I couldn't we ended up just meeting up during the day on monday and sat and talked and he bought me a beer! It was such a gorgeous day and it was nice to talk to a local...he was giving me tips on what to do here so now I have a better idea of where to go on my days off and such. Even though he is a very good looking aussie surf instructor, no one should be worried because I don't see anything special, so No-I will not be moving here for good and marrying an aussie (if any of you know me well enough, you should know that I have been dating an amazing guy at home before I left for australia :) Hah anyways, enough boy talk. Let's get down to business.
           On Tuesday, I got invited to do the "spit to manly" walk with Ashley (the au pair that lived with my family before me). It was seriously the most beautiful walk I've ever done! It's about 6 miles of gorgeousness all along the coast, so the sights are absolutely breathtaking! Seriously...if you go on this little hike or "bushwalk" as they call it here, you will see some sweet sights and get stunning shots on your camera...all along the walk Ashley and I would just stop and stare in awe and were so thankful that God has created such an amazing place for us here. We ran into two local girls that were about our age and they actually just got home from nannying in Europe--it's such a small world I swear! Anyways, once we made it to Manly we decided to relax on the beach for a bit and eat some lunch...we were starving! Then, we got some ben and jerrys ice cream (okay, only I got ice cream haha go figure) was funny though because I was so excited about all the flavors and couldn't decide what to the worker let me try pretty much every flavor and was cracking up at my indecisiveness & excitement over ice cream...he obviously doesn't know me very well haha. 
              Last night I had volleyball and we had a new player on our Italian guy. I don't have anything against Italians, but this guy was SO rude! It was pretty funny though...he was nice enough, but kept bossing everyone around on our team and he really didn't know what he was even talking about. He could hit the ball super hard and had an awesome serve, but he would run all over the court and literally step in front of you in order to hit the ball...then he would tell you where to stand and what to do..finally I had enough of that nonsense. He told me "hey girl, move up closer to the middle" I firmly responded "no this is where I'm supposed to be." haha I think I totally shocked him because I think I was the first girl who stood up for herself...I even shocked myself..I would normally never talk back like that to someone I didn't know..but enough was enough! He was being rude to the other teams too...he would shout out "we are going to beat you" randomly during the game...oh man & he had a really thick Italian accent so the whole situation was just plain funny. What a night! Speaking of nights, I haven't been sleeping! I keep waking up at 3 am and can't go back to bed...but I've kind of been fighting a cold, so I think it may be from that (...or from the tim tams I eat right before bed..whoops!) Anyways, I work tomorrow at the hardware store...then tomorrow night we have a work Christmas party--it will be my first night out! Woohoo!! 
....Oh and by the way, the picture that I posted is of my two boys, Oscar (7 years) and Harvey (3 years)...I'm trying to take pictures of all the kids and framing them for the parents to give to them for Christmas. They are such cuties!

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