Saturday, November 21, 2009

feeling hot hot hot!

So the weather here has finally been super hot...I just got back from a run and it's 100 degrees out..ouch. It was over 100 degrees the other day and today was super hot too! It's really humid too, so the heat hits you pretty fast...I still love it here though! Anyways, this past week has been so busy but really great! Saturday was a super busy day at the hardware store, so the time flew...then Saturday night was the work christmas party at an "RSL" in Dee why...they have RSL's in each town and they are pretty much big community centers...they have casinos, restaurants, bars, and people of all ages go out there at night. The work party was pretty fun...started out with bowling, then dinner, then a night out! While we were bowling the song "California girls" by the Beach Boys came on and I got super excited :) 

              On Monday I had a beach day and then went to a church connect group (kinda like a bible study) at's the best part though..they had tim tams & I didn't eat any of them!! I know I know...I can't believe it either! Oh yeah, another exciting thing that I did this past week was book a little christmas trip for myself! The family is going on vacation for a week over christmas, so I have some time off and decided that I should take advantage of it. So I got on the internet and booked a flight to Byron Bay within 20 minutes! You could say I'm a bit spontaneous haha. Byron Bay is a sweet little beach town about 400 miles north from here. It's supposed to be pretty funky and looks like it's straight from the 70's...lots of hippies live I guess I'd better whip out my tie-dye! Anyways, I'm pretty excited about that trip..I'll be there for a week over christmas...hopefully I meet some good people to spend Christmas day with! It will definitely be weird being away from home over the holidays, but don't worry, I'll be home for next years holidays! 

            Nannying has been going well, although it makes it more tiring when it's so hot out! I thought I would take Harvey down to Manly Beach and play at the park down there on Thursday...I was dying trying to push the pram (stroller) up the hills, but I kept thinking...okay, I'm going to have GREAT legs after this...I hope! We had fun though...played at the park, then I bought him an ice block (popsicle) as a special treat and we sat and watched the surfers for awhile (more for my enjoyment, but I made him excited about it too and we would cheer them on when they were trying to catch the waves). 

          Yesterday I had work all day long and it went by pretty fast because it was super busy! Oh and I saved a little girls life! No big deal :) Seriously though, I was at the cash register at work and a tiny little girl, probably 2 years old max goes running out the front into the parking lot by herself....the parking lot was super crazy too and there were cars driving all over the place so I immediately booked it out the door and scooped her up in my arms just as a car was backing up almost running her over....I held her close to me, but she didn't seem phased at all that she almost got hit. Her older sister (probably 3 or 4 years old) came running out too screaming at her sister "don't go outside!!" So I grabbed the older sister's hand and the three of us walked back into the store....the best part was the dad yelled at the "older" (3 or 4 year old) sister for not watching her little sister...oooh MEN. haha just kidding dad (I know you're reading this and I know you would've never done that!) 

       Anyways, today I'll probably head to the beach and go for a swim, then tonight another local nanny (Shayli) and I are going to try to go to the "Australian Idol Finale" at the Opera House, so that should be fun! Hope everyone is doing well at home...if anyone feels the need to send me their thanksgiving leftovers (PUMPKIN PIE) I would mind it ;-) Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. caitlyn! byron is still my favorite place in the whole world so far!!! we had a beach house in suffolk park.. the long beach youll see on the other side of the lighthouse! all my friends say how awesome the yha backpackers is in byron too! maybe jack johnson will be in town..nbd, if not, you can win some cool stuff like witsunday sailing cruises by dancing on the tables at cheeky monkeys :).. itll be like the best christmas ever!!
