Sunday, November 8, 2009

Spiders & Surfing

So this past week has been great! I managed to do one of my favorite things: SURF and see one of my least favorite things: SPIDER....ok I can handle regular spiders and I don't mind catching and killing them...but this spider isn't just any old spider, it's bigger than your hand, so let's call it a rodent...the Huntsman spider...look it up online. I don't think my heart has ever beated faster in my life, I couldn't even scream I was simply in shock. The thing is HUGE. Anyways, I was giving the kids a bath and all the sudden they look up at the wall and start screaming bloody murder, jump out of the bath and run out of the bathroom yelling spider...then they were running around the house naked and looking like they were going to pass's pretty funny now that I think of it, but at the time it was anything but funny. Tim (the dad), said that they come out a lot when it's wet outside and that they climb on walls and ceilings and drop on people's heads. fabulous! Anyways, on a lighter note, I went surfing finally! I decided to do a private lesson, so I could really feel comfortable out in the water. It was a beautiful day to be at the beach...101 degrees! The lesson went really really well and Lee (my instructor) told me I was the best person he'd ever given a lesson to...but then again he said that most people that take lessons are foreigners that know nothing about surfing. I was kind of embarrassed though because my instructor was incredibly good looking and of course the first thing I do is get a really bad leg cramp in my calf when I'm in the water (from that stupid long run I did up all those stairs the day before) I start yelling ouch ouch ouch!! ..while holding my leg underwater...I think he thought I was drowning or something haha. Anyways, it was nice to not only go surfing, but talk to a local young aussie about australia and things to do here in Manly. After the lesson I walked around and saw a 7-11 so I got a coke slurpee...I used to love those things when I was going to school at cal poly! 
          ...Not only did I embarrass myself in front of the surf instructor, but also while at volleyball. I always get so excited when playing any sport and will randomly yell out crazy things. So at volleyball no one is very talkative while playing so I've been yelling a lot and calling the ball to get people into the game. Some of the things I yell though cause everyone to start busting up last game I was serving and when I tossed the ball up it was a little off, so I yelled "Crap!!!!!" really really loud before I hit the ball. My whole team and the other team were hysterical. By the end of the night I lost my voice...hah I guess I need to shut my mouth next game.
Another really funny thing happened yesterday...I went to church in the morning with Jess, then we went out to lunch with Ruthie and Jessica, then I went to a birthday with Jess and when I was getting introduced to a girl there, Jess said "this is my friend Caitlyn" and the girl responded "Oh!!! So you're the Tim Tam girl!!" haha another embarrassing but hilarious moment. I almost spit out my drink at her and we were all laughing which turned into laughing so hard we were I'm known here to people as the Tim Tam girl....let me remind you that Tim Tams are the amazing cookies that they sell drink them with tea and they melt in your mouth! Let's just say I have been going a little overboard with those things...which explains that the people here know me as the "tim tam girl" haha. 
Anyways, the family has been off and on getting sick and poor Julie (the mum) was really sick on Wednesday, so when the kids and I were walking home from school I decided to give them money so they could pick out flowers and buy them for her. They picked out Orange (her favorite color) daisies and she was SO thrilled when she got them--her and Tim have been pretty stressed out with work and everything lately, so I think it really meant a lot to her to see that the kids and I did something meaningful for her. 
     Oh wait before I forget, one more funny thing that happened this week...I worked on Saturday at the hardware store and right when I get there the owner (who is an older man, probably in his late 60's or early 70's) comes up to me and goes "good morning caitlyn! Was that really you in those pictures I saw??" I just blankly stared back at him in complete confusion, then he busts up laughing. Apparently he cracks jokes all day long! Once one of my coworkers explained to me how he is a hilarious old man his joke finally hit me and I began laughing really hard. was a really funny week/weekend and I still have today (monday) and tomorrow off! The sun is finally coming out's been rainy the past few days. Hopefully I make it down to the beach again! 

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