Monday, November 2, 2009

One month!

Can you believe I've already been here one month?? I seriously can't...time has flown by!!! I've been having the best time! Although this past weekend was kind of a bummer because I was sick :( I totally missed Halloween (I fell asleep at 5 pm!) I got invited to go out in the city with Roxy and her friends, but unfortunately I didn't make it since I was feeling horrible...oh well! On Sunday I went down to the beach with Roxy and her friend met us there. It was such a gorgeous day and it was perfect because I was able to rest a lot on the beach and get better. Then, Sunday night I went to church with Jess and after church we went over to Ruthie's house (a girl that goes to church from Fiji) and we had tim-tams (the best cookies ever) and tea! They are the nicest girls and I am so thankful I've met them at church! Today was a good day...I worked all day at the hardware store! I attempted to go on a run this morning, and felt like I was going to die!! I ran for about 30 minutes out and was starting to get tired...then I realized that I would have to run back home hah whoops!! And of course I chose to go the way that had 100+ stairs...maybe I'll have buns of steel now?! Anyways, work was good today and I'm feeling pretty confident on the cash register now. It was so funny though because an aussie customer thought I was Scottish!! I was laughing so hard! Another funny thing that happened today was at dinner...I was at home eating with the kids and Mia (the 5 year old) told me, "I love you so much Caitlyn, that my heart stops! I think it just stopped again!" I couldn't help but laugh hysterically....and Harvey (the 3 year old) just started yelling "Ya, me love Caitlyn too!" They are the funniest little kids! Anyways, tomorrow I have completely off--wooohoo! I think it's supposed to be a gorgeous day tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to have a nice relaxing beach day...tomorrow is also the Melbourne cup here which is a huge deal apparently. It's the horse races they have here, and tons of people go out to lunch and drink all day and leave work early. I don't think I'll do anything special for it, but who knows! Hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween (moreso than I did)! Love you all...I think my heart just stopped :)

1 comment:

  1. Who doesn't love you Cuz?!
    I wish i could visit!
