Tuesday, February 16, 2010

safe & sound

So I made it safely to Bali- no I did not get on the wrong plane this time haha! Anyways, I arrived last night and got picked up by the surf camp that I'm doing these next two weeks. Bali is amazing...it reminds me a lot of Costa Rica actually-with the gorgeous beaches, but also with the poverty and people constantly trying to sell you things. Anyways, the hotel room is nice, but interesting...it's very rustic and has an outdoor bathroom!! I kept feeling like people could see me when I was in the shower or on the toilet! But it is pretty cool..everything is wooden and made out of shells and stuff. Very tropical :)

This morning I went for my first surf session here. It was fun and I caught a few decent waves, although the waves got pretty big and I ended up swallowing lots of water and was getting frustrated. The board that I'm using is only about 7 feet, which is a lot shorter than what I am used to. It was still fun though and the surf guide was really helpful! The water here feels like a bath-it is so crazy!! The weather here has been very hot and sunny, and I am exhausted just from surfing this morning and walking around this afternoon. The guys here are pretty aggressive and I got offered lots of free scooter rides from them and lots of "hey gorgeous" comments....a guy also stopped right in front of me on the sidewalk and starting peeing!! Haha good thing Sean is flying out here tomorrow to protect me! It will be really nice finally seeing him and being able to hang out and surf a lot together.

Anyways, I am sitting in a little internet cafe so I should get going before it gets dark out! Tonight I think I'm going to lock myself in my room and read and get to bed early. Can't wait to go surfing again and to see Sean tomorrow! I will keep you all posted on how the trip goes :) hope everyone is doing well back home and is able to live vicariously through me and my traveling-love you all!

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