Saturday, February 6, 2010


   I have been having a lot of fun with the kids lately and am realizing it will be hard leaving them and saying goodbye...Harvey has been telling me "My (I) really really love you Caitlyn!"and Oscar (the oldest) even ran up to me and gave me a big hug! This upcoming week is my last week with them, then I leave for Bali Feb 15th! I've been trying to have fun with the kids and enjoy every moment...Last week we went on a bike ride and a long nature/bird walk and had the best time! It was all along a little lagoon and I think the kids really enjoyed it. I've been busy with little Harvey and took him to Clown Town again since the weather has been so rainy. Oh and Harvey and Mia started dance class last week....hilarious!! All of the little girls were in leotards and tights and Harvey strolls in wearing bright red shorts, blue shirt, and his sneakers (or "trainers" as they call them) the class begins and he was the BEST one in the class. After it ended the dance instructor said that he was the most coordinated one in the class--I started cracking up and all of the moms looked annoyed that Harvey was the best one-it was pretty funny. 

This weekend has been good, although the weather is pretty depressing since it has been so rainy. Yesterday I went to an all day church young adult conference and had a great day! Although of course I fell in front of hundreds of people haha-whoops! It was a silent moment and everyone was praying and I attempt to walk up the stairs to my seat (which was in the front row of my section, in front of everyone) and boom! Faceplant into the stairs haha. I begin laughing hysterically and yell out "Seriously???" Then the security guard came to me and asked if I was okay and I reply, "Yes yes I'm fine!" Then I sit in my seat until my friend Jess tells me I'm in the wrong seat haha just my luck. Jess and I then begin laughing and laughing which turns into crying...I felt so bad because I totally killed the quiet moment that everyone was trying to have. It was very funny though and I have a big bruise on my knee today haha. 

Anyways, this upcoming week I plan on enjoying every moment with the kids and helping the fam out as much as possible. Then I have to pack up my room and head to Bali....what a hard life! :) 

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