Sunday, December 13, 2009

caught up in the life of "motherhood"

            So I feel like I've been lagging at this whole blogging thing. I honestly feel like I'm actually a mom here sometimes and don't have time to keep up with the blog hah, so sorry if you have been waiting impatiently for my next update...because I'm SURE you all are so interested in my life haha totally kidding! Anyways, I have been experiencing the low points of taking care of children..the big one being tantrums. Let me tell you about my Friday...Harvey (3 yr old's) swim day. Harvey is a sweet soul, but is also very stubborn and definitely a little pistol who knows how to make a scene. So every swim class he splashes other children, hits them, calls them "stupid" and will not share the shower with other children. It is utter chaos and instead of having a 30 minute break while he is swimming, I am constantly going to the edge of the pool telling Harvey to stop splashing and to listen to the swim instructor...I usually end up getting splashed by Harvey and by the end of the swim class I'm soaked. It is quite stressful, but before every swim class as I walk Harvey in the pram (stroller) to swimming, I think positive and pray that it will be a great swim class and that God will give Harvey self control...Unfortunately this past friday was a bit intense. Not only did Harvey do his usual misbehaviors, but he had a HUGE resulted in me carrying Harvey out of swimming, both of us completely soaked, Harvey naked (he wouldn't get dressed) and he was kicking and yelling at me and calling me "stupid." I was SO embarrassed and felt like crying, but I remained as calm as I could and eventually I just sat  Harvey on my lap as he was screaming and crying and told him to take deep breaths (usually I say, "blow out the candles" or "blow up your balloon" or "blow on my face") and it has actually been a good method to get him to calm down. It took awhile, but eventually he stopped his tantrum and I struggled to get him in the pram, but eventually, by the Grace of God we made it home in one piece...we came home and had lunch and I remember looking at his cute little face wondering how such a sweet soul could behave like that. During that crazy tantrum I remember thinking, "why am I here again? I want to go home now!" 

             Another crazy time I had was last night when I babysat...Harvey wouldn't go to bed and I struggled for an hour with him to get his tired little body to fall asleep. I've definitely been feeling exhausted lately, although going to church tonight made me realize that all those little crazy moments are really not something to get caught up in. It's actually funny because there's a mildly mentally challenged girl (she is pretty high functioning) at church and she is so sweet and always comes up to me and gives me hugs...tonight she came up to me and told me how beautiful I looked and then she said that God told her to tell me that when I go home flocks of children will be running to me and that she had a vision of this and could actually see it. Crazy huh?? The weird part is she knows nothing about me...I haven't told her anything about me and haven't told her about my love for children or even that I'm here working as a nanny...

              Anyways, the sunset picture that I posted is from a potluck I went to at the beach with girls from church-beautiful eh? The other picture is of Shayli and I in front of the Manly Christmas tree...we went out in Manly that night and had so much fun together :) Hope everyone is getting all hyped up for Christmas...remember to not focus and stress over buying gifts for people, but simply spend time with the ones you love and remember what Christmas is all about! Love you all...

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