Monday, December 21, 2009

Barely Made it to Byron...

What a crazy day! Well, I made it to Byron Bay...BARELY. So last night I was up all night packing, booking a flight to go to BALI, and trying to get everything all ready for my week long trp to Byron Bay. I ended up getting one hour of sleep and then the shuttle picked me up to go to the airport. I hopped on the shuttle bus, made it to the Sydney airport, checked in within 5 minutes for my flight, and had over two hours to wait for my flight to board. Sounds good right? Wrong. Haha, so I went to the bathroom and came out and thought that my flight was boarding because it was supposed to take off in 10 minutes and they still hadn't I follow everyone and the lady even announced that the "Ballina flight was now boarding" I hop on the little shuttle bus that drove us to our plane, get on the plane, find my seat...then a woman with a baby said I was in her seat, and we discovered that we both had the same seat number...anyways, when the flight attendent walked down the aisle before we were about to take off the woman told her that we both were given the same seat number...the flight attendant looks at my ticket and told me I got on the wrong flight!!!!! Apparently though two other people were on the wrong flight, so they said not to worry because the ticket people weren't doing their job...even though I'm sure it was my fault haha. I am just so thankful that the lady told the flight attendent (the plane was only 1/3 full, so I'm thankful that I was in someones seat!). Anyways, then a taxi had to come pick me up on the runway and drive me to my plane! I get on the plane and it is completely full and everyone is staring at me haha...I am just cracking up and saying "sorry!" Then the rest of the flight I couldn't stop laughing and felt like a complete dork. Oh well..whats new!
So I made it to my hostel but haven't met anyone yet...It was so hot out I went straight to the beach and laid out and went for a swim. Tomorrow morning I'm going on a kayak tour, so I'm pretty excited about that! I'll keep you all posted...pray that I meet friends and don't screw anything else up :)

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