Monday, December 21, 2009

Barely Made it to Byron...

What a crazy day! Well, I made it to Byron Bay...BARELY. So last night I was up all night packing, booking a flight to go to BALI, and trying to get everything all ready for my week long trp to Byron Bay. I ended up getting one hour of sleep and then the shuttle picked me up to go to the airport. I hopped on the shuttle bus, made it to the Sydney airport, checked in within 5 minutes for my flight, and had over two hours to wait for my flight to board. Sounds good right? Wrong. Haha, so I went to the bathroom and came out and thought that my flight was boarding because it was supposed to take off in 10 minutes and they still hadn't I follow everyone and the lady even announced that the "Ballina flight was now boarding" I hop on the little shuttle bus that drove us to our plane, get on the plane, find my seat...then a woman with a baby said I was in her seat, and we discovered that we both had the same seat number...anyways, when the flight attendent walked down the aisle before we were about to take off the woman told her that we both were given the same seat number...the flight attendant looks at my ticket and told me I got on the wrong flight!!!!! Apparently though two other people were on the wrong flight, so they said not to worry because the ticket people weren't doing their job...even though I'm sure it was my fault haha. I am just so thankful that the lady told the flight attendent (the plane was only 1/3 full, so I'm thankful that I was in someones seat!). Anyways, then a taxi had to come pick me up on the runway and drive me to my plane! I get on the plane and it is completely full and everyone is staring at me haha...I am just cracking up and saying "sorry!" Then the rest of the flight I couldn't stop laughing and felt like a complete dork. Oh well..whats new!
So I made it to my hostel but haven't met anyone yet...It was so hot out I went straight to the beach and laid out and went for a swim. Tomorrow morning I'm going on a kayak tour, so I'm pretty excited about that! I'll keep you all posted...pray that I meet friends and don't screw anything else up :)

byron bay here I come!!

So it's about 1 am and I am getting picked up by a shuttle at 5 am to go to the airport and fly to Byron Bay!! haha, I am definitely the procrastinator and am still packing sadly. Anyways, I am so stoked about this trip...I will be there from the 22nd to the 29th! I plan on surfing, enjoying the beach, kayaking, and hopefully meeting people to spend Christmas with :) It will be weird being away from home, but this is a once in a lifetime thing and I know I will be home soon...
     This past week has been really really great!! On my day off on Tuesday I decided to be spontaneous. The night before (on monday), I was really anxious to go out surfing, but since I hate going alone, I searched for "surf day trips" in the area and found one that was a decent price! So I texted the phone number that I found (since it was 11 pm at night) and the next morning I got woken up to a phone call at 8:15 am saying that they had space for me to go that day! I was so excited, but also flustered and worried because I had to be at the wharf by 9 am! I somehow made it there, and had the best time ever...we surfed for about 4 hours total and had an awesome time...I caught more waves than I've caught in my whole life and really enjoyed the trip! We just went to a couple local beaches, which was cool because I was already familiar with the area and everything. Oh and fun fact about freshwater "freshie" beach that I live was the first beach where surfing was brought to in australia-the famouse "Duke" from Hawaii surfed there. Cool eh? 
Another fun fact...Stan Walker, who is the winner of the "Australian Idol" goes to my church and I also saw him perform randomly when I was at the mall the other day. I also saw the live taping of the "Australian Idol Finale" where he won, at the opera house. 
       Anyways, it really hasn't felt like Christmas yet at all. The weather has been nice and hot, and since the family doesn't have a Christmas tree, it hasn't really hit me yet that it's the holiday season. Although on Saturday evening the family had a big Christmas dinner (since they are going out of town in a couple days) and had relatives over and Shayli (my friend) came over as well. It was an amazing meal and I definitely appreciated wearing a loose fitting dress that day waist band for me thank you!! 
So let's was an amazing day! I spent it all day with Molly (my friend from home) and Katie. We went to the famous Blue Mountains and on the way we stopped at an animal park where we fed kangaroos and petted koalas..then we learned how to throw a boomerang which was pretty sweet! I had dinner at the Murray's house, which is who Molly and Katie are staying with. It was so nice being able to spend all day with them, as I'm leaving tomorrow for Byron Bay and they are leaving on Wednesday to fly back home to the states. It was pretty sad saying goodbye to Molly....I am SO glad she was able to come out here though :)
       Anyways, I should probably get going, as I'm getting picked up to go to the airport in less than 5 hours and I still need to finish packing and get a bit of shut-eye hah, whoops! I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and I can't wait to update you all on my little Christmas trip to Byron Bay...oh and by the way, here is a link to a little video I made for everyone at home. Love you all!! 

Sunday, December 13, 2009

caught up in the life of "motherhood"

            So I feel like I've been lagging at this whole blogging thing. I honestly feel like I'm actually a mom here sometimes and don't have time to keep up with the blog hah, so sorry if you have been waiting impatiently for my next update...because I'm SURE you all are so interested in my life haha totally kidding! Anyways, I have been experiencing the low points of taking care of children..the big one being tantrums. Let me tell you about my Friday...Harvey (3 yr old's) swim day. Harvey is a sweet soul, but is also very stubborn and definitely a little pistol who knows how to make a scene. So every swim class he splashes other children, hits them, calls them "stupid" and will not share the shower with other children. It is utter chaos and instead of having a 30 minute break while he is swimming, I am constantly going to the edge of the pool telling Harvey to stop splashing and to listen to the swim instructor...I usually end up getting splashed by Harvey and by the end of the swim class I'm soaked. It is quite stressful, but before every swim class as I walk Harvey in the pram (stroller) to swimming, I think positive and pray that it will be a great swim class and that God will give Harvey self control...Unfortunately this past friday was a bit intense. Not only did Harvey do his usual misbehaviors, but he had a HUGE resulted in me carrying Harvey out of swimming, both of us completely soaked, Harvey naked (he wouldn't get dressed) and he was kicking and yelling at me and calling me "stupid." I was SO embarrassed and felt like crying, but I remained as calm as I could and eventually I just sat  Harvey on my lap as he was screaming and crying and told him to take deep breaths (usually I say, "blow out the candles" or "blow up your balloon" or "blow on my face") and it has actually been a good method to get him to calm down. It took awhile, but eventually he stopped his tantrum and I struggled to get him in the pram, but eventually, by the Grace of God we made it home in one piece...we came home and had lunch and I remember looking at his cute little face wondering how such a sweet soul could behave like that. During that crazy tantrum I remember thinking, "why am I here again? I want to go home now!" 

             Another crazy time I had was last night when I babysat...Harvey wouldn't go to bed and I struggled for an hour with him to get his tired little body to fall asleep. I've definitely been feeling exhausted lately, although going to church tonight made me realize that all those little crazy moments are really not something to get caught up in. It's actually funny because there's a mildly mentally challenged girl (she is pretty high functioning) at church and she is so sweet and always comes up to me and gives me hugs...tonight she came up to me and told me how beautiful I looked and then she said that God told her to tell me that when I go home flocks of children will be running to me and that she had a vision of this and could actually see it. Crazy huh?? The weird part is she knows nothing about me...I haven't told her anything about me and haven't told her about my love for children or even that I'm here working as a nanny...

              Anyways, the sunset picture that I posted is from a potluck I went to at the beach with girls from church-beautiful eh? The other picture is of Shayli and I in front of the Manly Christmas tree...we went out in Manly that night and had so much fun together :) Hope everyone is getting all hyped up for Christmas...remember to not focus and stress over buying gifts for people, but simply spend time with the ones you love and remember what Christmas is all about! Love you all...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Molly's Here!!

One of my closest friends from home, Molly, has made it down undaaaa!! She travelled here with one of her good friends Katie-It has been so sweet having them here and we've already had a blast! On Monday we went to Taronga Zoo and saw some crazy animals...there were even peacocks roaming around and I of course freaked out when one popped out of a bush at me. We had a pretty good time, although it ended up being a rainy day...on the ferry ride back to Manly there was a crazy old guy who was yelling at these poor girls sitting next to us threatening to kill them! Thankfully someone got security--yikes! 
          On Tuesday we went wine tasting in the famous Hunter Valley. It was gorgeous!!! The day started off bright and early (we had to catch the 7 am ferry to the city)-so we decided to make a starbucks pit stop. I made up the drink "gingerbread chai latte"-it is SO amazing! Anyways, we had the time of our lives and we even bought some bottles of wine while wine tasting (lots of the places we went to don't sell their wines to stores, so the only place you can buy them is at the vineyard). I of course bought only the sweet wines :) Too bad they don't have a tim tam flavored one! We were lucky enough to see some wild kangaroos while wine tasting--I didn't get a chance to take a picture, but they were pretty small and moved very quickly! We stopped and had sandwiches in the middle of the day at a nice cafe and I discovered a chocolate shop next door, so of course I indulged myself there! It was such an awesome day, although we were so pooped by the time we got back to Sydney (the Hunter Valley is a couple hours away). We arrived in the city, bought some chips (french fries) and chicken salt (it's very popular here-it's pretty much just a spicy seasoning) and hopped on the ferry back to Manly. 
              My week has been great so far, and I'm so thankful that Molly came to visit me- she is staying with a family friend right down the road, so it has been such a blessing having her so close to me. I can't wait to hang out with her and Katie this weekend when I'm done nannying! Nannying has been going well, although I have been fighting a cold so I have been pretty exhausted by the end of the day. Today and yesterday I helped out in Mia's and Oscar's classrooms at school and have really enjoyed it (especially Mias-the kindergarten class). Hope everyone is doing well at home with the Holidays and everything coming up! (Speaking of which, the family made me a thanksgiving meal here even though Australia doesn't celebrate it...we had turkey, cranberry sauce, cornbread, potatoes, veggies, and pumpkin pie of course!) I was so excited about that :) Now I'm getting hungry again....